
We pulled together a list of quick links to resources that may be interesting and helpful to beekeepers, as well as members of the community.

What’s in Bloom

Find out what your bees are currently enjoying by looking at What’s in Bloom.

Blackwood Farm Park has Reopened!

Come visit the community apiary at Blackwood Farm Park, off route 86 near Hillsborough. See the park map for the hives’ location. OCBA will be having field days with the park’s beekeepers. Watch the listserv for event announcements.

Photo Gallery

Enjoy the beautiful photos in our photo gallery, including pictures of honey bees, apiaries, club activities and events.

Local Honey and Hive Products

OCBA members sell honey and other hive products. See the list here.

Extraction Equipment Rental

The OCBA makes extraction equipment available to members for a small fee. The honey extractor and associated equipment can be reserved for a maximum of four days. Learn more.

Swarm Patrol

Several club members operate a Swarm Patrol to offer the community a humane way to respond to a honey bee swarm. These beekeepers have the skills and equipment to safely remove a swarm. Report a swarm.

Beekeeping Articles

Randall Austin, OCBA’s Master Beekeeper Coordinator, has written an excellent series of articles addressing a wide range of beekeeping topics. Use command or control f to open a search window in Randall’s Archive page.

Helpful Links