We are committed to promoting sound beekeeping practices through education, training and support. We offer a range of educational opportunities to meet the needs of our diverse club membership and the broader Orange County community.
Introduction to Beekeeping Class – Next Class Starts in January
Are you interested in beekeeping but don’t know where to begin? Are you a beekeeper interested in improving your skills? The OCBA’s bee school is a great place to start. This ten-week class covers the biology of beekeeping, essential beekeeping skills, monitoring and treatment of pests and diseases, seasonal hive management and other relevant topics. At the end of the course, you will be prepared to begin beekeeping. Learn more
Apprentice Beekeeper Program – Applications Every Fall
One of our goals is to introduce young people to beekeeping. However, we understand that this type of hobby comes with expenses and a need for specialized training. To help overcome these obstacles, we developed the Apprentice Beekeeper Program. Each year, OCBA sponsors two new beekeepers between the ages 10 and 16, providing enrollment in our “Intro to Beekeeping” class, necessary equipment and private mentorship with a seasoned beekeeper. Graduates of the Apprentice Program have gone on to establish beekeeping clubs at their schools, to expand their own apiaries and even to pursue apiculture studies in college. Learn more
Mentorship Programs – Registration begins every March
In learning anything new, practical, hands-on experience is as important as class lectures and reading assignments. To support newer beekeepers, OCBA developed two mentorship programs to provide graduates of our bee school with guidance and support. We group newer beekeepers with experienced club members, and these teams meet regularly in the graduates’ apiaries, working the hives together, discussing questions and concerns, administering treatments etc. The goal is to support newer beekeeper success.
• First-Year Beekeeper Cluster
Master Beekeeper Study Group – Forming Every Spring
The Master Beekeeper Program consists of 4 levels: Certified, Journeyman, Master and Master Craftsman Beekeeper. Advancing through the levels consists of a mix of written, practical, field and oral exams plus public service. To support our members pursuing the Journeyman and Master Beekeeper certifications, the club offers a study group led by two Master Beekeepers who help students prepare for successful testing. The group meets monthly and members take turns presenting on reading assignment topics.
School and Community Education
In addition to training and supporting beekeepers, OCBA’s mission includes public education and awareness of beekeeping and pollinator habitat preservation. Our members are available to staff information tables at community events and to present to groups of all sizes. Learn More