If you no longer have the time to commit to beekeeping and would like to rehome your hives, we can help.
We’ve all been there, when the responsibility for keeping up a hobby no longer fits in our lives. Juggling schedules, jobs, family and other priorities can take away the time you once had for your hobby. If you find yourself in this position with beekeeping and would like to donate your hives, we can help. OCBA rehoming volunteers will remove your bees and equipment, and relocate them to an apiary where others learn first-hand about beekeeping, for example, one of OCBA’s local high school partnerships. We provide this service to beekeepers in the Orange County area at no cost to the beekeeper. Bees will be assessed and cared for humanely. If necessary, they will receive nutritional support and varroa mite treatment before or immediately after relocation.
Please contact Celeste Mayer, celestemmayer@gmail.com to request this service.