Google Group Email Discussion Group

OCBA uses a Google Group email list, sometimes called a “listserv,” to communicate among members. This is a private group, meaning that you must join it to post questions or view the contents. To sign up, go to and select “Join group”. When you sign up, you can choose to subscribe to:

  • “Every new message”/”Each email” – every post to the group
  • “Send daily summaries”/”Digest” a daily email containing multiple postings
  • “Combined updates”/”Abridged” a daily email containing summaries of the postings,
  • “Don’t send email updates”/”No email”

These can be changed at any time under “My membership settings.”

Browse to to view all of the messages, search through all of the messages or post a “New conversation”.  You can also start or reply to a conversion by emailing to