Holiday Party Silent Auction

Auction opens on December 1, 2021.

Auction closes on December 9, 2021 at 7:15pm EST during the holiday party.

All proceeds go to the NC State Apiculture Program.  Winning bidders will pick up auction items at Bailey Bee Supply in Hillsborough, NC following the auction starting Tuesday 12/14/2021 (or after confirmation of payment).   Large items, used bee equipment, and items that cannot be picked up by December 23, please contact kenneth123456 at  Items are for local pickup only–no shipping.

cookie cutter
Ended at: 868 days 5 minutes 16 seconds ago
$4.00 USD

This auction has been sold to Kenneth Lee at $4.00 USD.
Donated by Chris Apple.  Skep shaped cookie cutter in very good condition.