Carrboro High School move

Carrboro HS Hives Move

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Securing the hives for the move

On Saturday, May 14th, OCBA moved its Carrboro Demonstration Hives to Carrboro High School (CHS). OCBA members Walter and Cathy Starks, Fred Fesel, Brad Kosiba and John Rintoul provided the volunteer effort to accomplish the move. They were assisted by Stephen Rintoul.

The hives will continue to be maintained by OCBA for demonstration purposes, but will be available to familiarize members of the CHS Eco-Action Club and the CHS Beekeepers Club with the principles of beekeeping and the role of pollinators in our natural environment.

Setting this move in motion John Rintoul contacted Amy Olsen, a Spanish language teacher at CHS. Amy is a ‘wanna-bee’ beekeeper who directed OCBA to the teachers and staff at CHS who were best positioned to advocate for relocating OCBA’s hives to the CHS campus.

Stefan Klakovich, AP Environmental Sciences teacher at CHS, has been working closely with OCBA since late January to secure all of the reviews and approvals necessary to relocate the hives to the CHS campus. CHS Principal, LaVerne Mattocks, and Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Sustainability Coordinator, Dan Schnitzer, also acted as advocates within the school system on behalf of the move.