On April 1st, Cynthia Speed, Cynthia Woodsong and Cedric Pearce met at Blackwood Farm Park to install packages in OCBA’s Demonstration Hives. At Blackwood, OCBA willl manage two traditional Langstroth hives and two Top Bar hives. The volunteers sharing the responsibility for managing the Langstroth hves are Cedric Pearce and Cynthia Woodsong. Mary Leonhardi and Cynthia Speed will co-manage the Top Bar hives. The bees for all of the hives were donated by David Bailey of Bailey Bee Supply. OCBA is grateful for the volunteer assistance of our members who manage our demonstration hives and for the generosity of Bailey Bee Supply.
Blackwood Farm Park is located near the intersection of NC 86 and New Hope Church Road. It is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. OCBA members are encouraged to visit the park and the hives.