January Speaker – Clint Brooks

Clint Brooks will be the speaker for our Jan 13 meeting.  Clint is a commercial beekeeper in North Carolina who focuses on honey production and breeding VSH (varroa sensitive hygienic) queens. Clint started beekeeping 7 years ago after his interest was sparked by the lack of fruit set in his family‘s large garden. He will be talking to us about queen breeding and genetics related to VSH queens and the role they play in mite management. 
Our January meeting will be a Zoom/in-person hybrid.  Our presenter will use Zoom and attendees may choose to attend in person at the Orange County Cooperative Extension office at 1020 US-70 West, Suite 130, in HIillsborough, or call in using Zoom.  We look forward to welcoming Clint and learning more about managing varroa using VSH genes.