
We welcome all ages and experience levels—from beginning to experienced beekeepers—to join the OCBA. Over the years, we’ve cultivated a friendly, supportive group that is passionate about the honey bee and its critical role in nature. The club offers fellowship, as well as a learning environment where we work together to become better beekeepers.

Club News

Find out the latest club news and announcements in What’s New.

Join our Club

The OCBA is an independent chapter of the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA). Annual membership in the OCBA is only $10 and gives you access to club resources such as our extraction equipment, traveling observation hive, discussion forum and invitations to club field days and workshops. If you prefer to never think about paying dues again, consider becoming a lifetime member of OCBA for $100.

Renew your Membership

OCBA’s membership runs from January to December. Any membership dues received after November 1 of the current year will be applied toward membership in the coming year.


Represent your bee club proudly. Order t-shirts, bags and hats here.

Meeting Minutes

To find out what you missed at a recent meeting, check out the minutes.

North Carolina State Beekeepers Association

We also encourage you to join the North Carolina State Beekeepers Association (NCSBA). NCSBA is the largest and most active state beekeeping organization in the nation and provides strong support and advocacy for beekeeping in North Carolina. Membership in the NCSBA is separate from the OCBA membership. Annual membership is $15. NCSBA members receive the quarterly Bee Buzz magazine, a copy of the membership directory and are allowed to participate in the Master Beekeeper program, the Certified Honey Producer program and attend state meetings.

2025 Board of Directors

President Axel Elling
Immediate Past President Janet Staats
Vice President Mary Anne Rhyne
Secretary Erika Wittchen
Treasurer Jim Greco
Mentorship Co-Directors José Olmedo
Education Director Randall Austin  
Community Outreach Directors Jim Barrick
Membership Co-Directors

Leif Roll, Ginia Roll, and Cindy Copolo

OCBA Policies, Guidelines and Bylaws

The following documents represent the club’s policies, guidelines and bylaws: