April 2021 Meeting

Join us on April 8th at 7:00 PM for speaker Dana Stahlman’s talk, “What to Expect as a New Beekeeper.” You’ll learn:

  • How to install a package and feed it 
  • What to expect the first two weeks and the first summer months
  • How to look and what to look for
  • When to go into a hive
  • When to call a mentor or inspector

New beekeepers, bring your questions!

Dana moved to NC after retiring as a school administrator in Ohio. He comes from a family of beekeepers and was heavily involved in the Ohio Beekeepers Association.  He has raised queens, sold nucs and at one point managed 100 hives as a hobbyist. Data currently hopes to have up to 25 colonies later this year at an out-yard in Franklin County.

For Zoom connection information, contact Carrie cdonley33 at gmail.com