March 2021 Meeting

UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones.

Join us Thursday March 11th at 7PM when our speaker will be Dr. Jaime Ellis.  Dr. Ellis will speak to us on “What’s Killing Honey Bees?”, a talk which covers the most common reasons for colony loss.

Jamie Ellis is the Gahan Endowed Professor of Entomology in the Department of Entomology and Nematology at the University of Florida. He has a BS degree in Biology from the University of Georgia (USA) and a PhD in Entomology from Rhodes University in South Africa. At the University of Florida, Jamie has responsibilities in Extension, instruction, and research. Regarding his Extension work, Jamie created the UF/IFAS Bee College and the UF/IFAS Master Beekeeper Program. As an instructor, Jamie supervises PhD and masters students. Currently, Jamie and his team have over 30 active research projects in the fields of honey bee husbandry, conservation and ecology, and integrated crop pollination.

For zoom connection information, contact cdonley33 at